
Background and Mission

I live on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia with my husband and two beautiful daughters. I am a self taught artist, who has a passion for drawing our native wildlife. Australia has an abundance of unique and interesting animals and birds and I want to celebrate this in my artworks.

Ink, graphite and coloured pencils are my preferred mediums as I like to create detailed works that are full of texture and interest. However, I often combine these hand drawn sketches with digital colouring techniques as this allows me to experiment and create beautiful contemporary pieces. I usually work with a limited colour palette that reflects the personality of the creature I am representing.

As my artwork develops I am exploring my ability to tell stories through my drawings. I am wanting to be a champion for our native wildlife, a voice that helps us celebrate them and makes us realise how precious they are to our planet and indeed our own existence. In order to do this, I want to create a story that invites the viewer in and connects them to the animals I represent. Using this process, my artwork evolves through many stages from research, brainstorming, exploring, creating, evaluating and redefining. As a visual story teller I am not only expressing the uniqueness of my subject, I am also expressing the uniqueness of me.